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        首頁 > 游戲機 > 正文

        育碧 Ubisoft+ 訂閱上線微軟 Xbox 主機:每月 17.99 美元

        時間:2023-04-14 13:20:48 來源: 評論:0 點擊:0
          4 月 14 日消息:育碧的游戲訂閱服務 Ubisoft+ 宣布在微軟 Xbox Series X / S 和 Xbox One 游戲機上推出。訂閱服務讓玩家可以訪問大量的育碧游戲,包括首發的新游戲。

          這一訂閱不包含在微軟 Xbox Game Pass 訂閱中,需要單獨訂閱,并將育碧賬號連接到 Xbox 賬號。

          育碧 Ubisoft+ 訂閱在 Xbox 僅有比較貴的 Multi Access 版可選,價格為每月 17.99 美元(當前約 124 元人民幣)。

          育碧業務發展高級總裁 Chris Early 表示:“與微軟合作在 Xbox 主機上推出 Ubisoft + 服務,能為玩家提供更多的選擇和價值,玩家現在可以通過育碧豐富的游戲庫來愉快游玩。”

          目前供選擇的游戲有 60 多款,包括《刺客信條:英靈殿》、《幽靈行動:荒野》、《看門狗:軍團》、《孤島驚魂 6》等,詳細列表如下:

          Anno 1800 (Xbox Series X|S only)

          Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered

          Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (includes Assassin’s Creed Liberation)

          Assassin’s Creed Unity (Gold Edition)

          Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (Ultimate Edition)

          Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China, India, and Russia

          Assassin’s Creed III Remastered

          Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Deluxe Edition)

          Assassin’s Creed Origins (Gold Edition)

          Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (Gold Edition)

          Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection



          Child of Light (Ultimate Edition)

          Family Feud

          Far Cry Primal (Deluxe Edition)

          Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Classic Edition)

          Far Cry 3 (Classic Edition)

          Far Cry 4 (Gold Edition)

          Far Cry 5 (Gold Edition)

          Far Cry 6 (Gold Edition)

          Far Cry: New Dawn

          Fighter Within

          For Honor

          Ghost Recon Breakpoint (Ultimate Edition)

          Ghost Recon Wildlands (Ultimate Edition)

          Grow Up

          Hungry Shark World

          Immortals Fenyx Rising (Gold Edition)


          Monopoly Plus

          Monopoly Madness

          Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show (Gold Edition)

          Rabbids Party of Legends

          Rainbow Six Extraction

          Rainbow Six Siege (Deluxe Edition)

          Rayman Legends

          Riders Republic


          Risk: Urban Assault

          Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game


          Shape Up (Gold Edition)

          South Park: The Fractured But Whole (Gold Edition)

          South Park: The Stick of Truth

          Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Deluxe Edition)


          The Crew (Ultimate Edition)

          The Crew 2

          The Division (Gold Edition)

          The Division 2

          Trackmania Turbo


          Trials Fusion

          Trials of the Blood Dragon

          Trials Rising (Gold Edition)

          Trivial Pursuit Live

          Trivial Pursuit Live 2

          UNO (Ultimate Edition)

          Valiant Hearts: The Great War

          Watch Dogs (Complete Edition)

          Watch Dogs 2 (Gold Edition)

          Watch Dogs: Legion (Deluxe Edition)

          Wheel of Fortune

