ChinaCache to Announce Cooperation with Inmobly to Improve Chinese Mobile Internet User Experience
2014年6月25日 北京 -- 中國領先的網絡服務整體解決方案提供商藍汛國際控股有限公司(納斯達克:CCIH,下文簡稱“藍汛ChinaCache”)與 美國移動互聯網絡服務解決方案提供商Inmobly在于今日舉行的2014全球CDN大會(GCDN2014)上共同簽署合作備忘錄。合作備忘錄簽署后,雙方將圍繞中國互聯網應用需求、發展方向以及支撐技術平臺做深入探討并展開深入的研發合作,通過構建適合中國移動互聯網業務的應用服務平臺,提升中國移動互聯網用戶的終端使用體驗。
Beijing, Jun 25, 2014 - ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd. ("ChinaCache" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: CCIH), the leading total solutions provider of Internet content and application delivery services in China, signed its memonrandem of understanding with Inmobly, mobile Internet service solutions provider in the US, in the Global CDN Conference 2014 held today. Both parties will carry out in-depth discussions and R&D researches on China Internet application demands, development directions and supporting technical platforms, to improve terminal use experience of Chinese mobile Internet users, by builiding an application service platform suitable for China mobile Internet business.
Inmobly is America's most innovative mobile Internet service solutions provider. Inmobly is committed to solving user experience issues of mobile users in access to 3G and 4G, providing tailored solutions to help content service providers, CDN service providers and infrastructure operators to solve speed and cost optimization issues reated to content access.
With this cooperation, combining Inmobly’s product technology and operation expereience with ChinaCache’s operating expereience and China’s specific needs, both parties will launch jointly an application service platform suitable for China Intenet, to improve Internet use expereiences for China’s intelligent mobile phone users, espcially 3G/4G users, to optimize traffic distribution of 3G and 4G networks and help operators to save costs while improving their network transmission efficiency.
藍汛ChinaCache 創始人兼首席執行官王松表示:“通過與Inmobly的合作,ChinaCache將進一步加強與互聯網視頻廠商的合作,努力建成國內最有價值的內容推薦以及流量優化平臺,為廣大互聯網站提供優質、可信、可靠的服務。通過云服務、開發工具包、開放接口等方式,與國內各大內容提供商提供更深入的服務。
Mr. Wang Song, founder and CEO of ChinaCache, said : “With the cooperation with Inmobly, ChinaCache will further strengthen its cooperation with Internet video makers, to build the most valuable content recommendation and traffic optimization platform in China, and provide high-quality, credible and reliable services for Internet sites, and offer more in-depth services for domestic content providers by means of cloud services, development toolkits and open interfaces.”
Inmobly 創始人兼首席執行官Hesham El Gamal 博士說:“我們對此處合作深感興奮。藍汛擁有著巨大的市場認知財富及技術專長,結合我們突破性的的技術,我們深信將會為中國的內容提供商、移動運營商及客戶帶來無與倫比的價值。”
Dr. Hesham El Gamal, founder and CEO of inmobly, said: ``We could not be more excited about this partnership. With the tremendous wealth of market knowledge and technical expertise ChinaCache brings to the table and our breakthrough technology, we are confident that we will bring unmatched value to the Chinese content providers, mobile carriers, and consumers''. “
About ChinaCache
ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd. (Nasdaq: CCIH) is the leading total solutions provider of Internet content and application delivery services in China. As a carrier-neutral service provider, ChinaCache's network in China is interconnected with networks operated by all telecom carriers, major non-carriers and local Internet service providers. With more than a decade of experience in developing solutions tailored to China's complex Internet infrastructure, ChinaCache is a partner of choice for businesses, government agencies and other enterprises to enhance the reliability and scalability of online services and applications and improve end-user experience. For more information on ChinaCache, please visit
關于 Inmobly
Inmobly 是行業領先的頂級SaaS移動視頻內容交付解決方案的提供商。公司由Hesham El Gamal 博士(首席執行官)及 Nayer Wanas 博士 (首席技術官)共同組建,提供革命性的技術,通過先進的基于云端的預測分析,實現世界上第一次的真正最后一英里的內容交付。作為一個完整移動CDN解決方案的提供商, Inmobly 為整個移動生態系統服務 - 消除移動網絡擁擠,降低資本/營業費用,通過優越性能及移動用戶體驗從而增加收入。更多詳細信息,請訪問
About inmobly
Inmobly, inc. is the leading provider of over-the-top, SaaS mobile video content delivery solutions. Co-founded by Dr. Hesham El Gamal CEO and Dr. Nayer Wanas CTO, inmobly’s revolutionary technologies enable the world’s first true last mile content delivery via advanced, cloud-based, predictive analytics. As a complete mobile CDN solutions provider, inmobly is serving the full mobile ecosystem - decongesting mobile networks, reducing capital/operating expenses, and increasing revenues through superior performance and mobile user experiences. For more information on inmobly, please visit